Special Educational Needs (SEN)
SEND Provision
Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo): Mrs Hogg from 1st September 2024 (Mrs Pinker on maternity leave).
Please contact us through the School Office.
At Clements Primary Academy we aim to promote the wellbeing of the children in our school, by making sure that they feel happy and safe. We also endeavour to ensure that all children will have access to the highest quality teaching which will be differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Children are taught with their peer group by highly qualified class teachers. Where additional support is needed to enable children to make progress and meet their individual learning goals a ‘graduated response’ is employed to provide targeted assistance as recommended by the Local Authority and detailed in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015).
Our Commitment
- To promote the values and wellbeing of every child,
- To have the highest expectations and aspirations for every child;
- To ensure that all children identified with SEND have equal access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum;
- To ensure that barriers to learning and achievement are identified as early as possible and robust steps are taken to secure progress;
- To ensure progress and attainment is closely monitored;
- To listen to children, take their views into account and include them at all stages of planning their education;
- To work in close partnership with parents and carers to determine the most effective level of support;
- To ensure that all professionals work closely together to secure the best outcomes for children with SEND
Our SEND Information Report and SEND Policy can be viewed from the attachments section on this page and the link to the Trust SEND Policy is in the further information section, together with a link to the Suffolk Local Offer. If you require any further information about our SEN provision, please contact our Special Needs Co-ordinator who will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have.
Further Information
Interventions and Support
Accessibility and Equality Plan
SEND Policy
SEND Information Report
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