Equality Objectives
The Equality Duty
On 5 April 2011 the Public Sector Equality Duty (The Equality Duty) came into force in England, Scotland and Wales. This duty replaces the existing race, disability and gender equality duties.
The 3 aims of the General duty is:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. By removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
We are committed to the promotion of community cohesion in our school and community, implementing all necessary actions in relation to protected characteristics.
Protected Characteristics
- Age (as an employer – but not applicable to pupils)
- Disability
- Sex
- Gender reassignment
- Race
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Religion or belief
- Sexual orientation
Our Equality Objectives
To help eliminate discrimination, increase opportunities for all and foster good relations the school as agreed the following equality objectives:
- Promote attitudes and values that challenge discriminatory behaviour and/ or prejudice
- Provide opportunities for children to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures
- Raise aspirations by broadening children’s knowledge of career options
These objectives will be updated at least every 4 years.
Please read the attached Statement of Equality & Inclusion Statement for further information.